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몰록 (밀곰) / Gilgamesh

by 은총가득 2020. 7. 31.


몰렉 (출처-https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki)


몰레크(Molech, Molekh) 또는 몰록(Moloch, Molok)은 고대 암몬인의 신이다. 몰레크는 가나안페니키아에서 숭배되었으며, 북아프리카레반트 문화와 연관이 있다. 소의 머리를 가지고 있으며, 어린아이를 불태워 바치는 인신공양 제의가 행해졌다고 한다. 신명기레위기에서 몰레크가 언급되며, 유대교기독교에서는 악마로 .


성경에 기록된 대로(왕상 11:5, 33) (몰렉) 또는 (밀곰)은 암몬인들이 섬긴 민족적인 신이었다. 유브라데스 강의 중류 지역인 Mari에서 발굴된 서판에 의하면 몰렉(Molech , 거기에는 Muluk)은 벌써 기원전 1800년경에 널리 그 지역에서 숭배되어 있었다.

왕하 17:31에 이스라엘이 포로로 끌려간 후 메소보다미아의 여러 지역에서 이민 온 (사마리아로) 사람들의 신은 (아드람 멜렉)과 아남멜렉)이라 했는데 그들은 그 신에게 자식들을 불살라 드렸다고 했으니 그 신들은 결국 몰렉 신의 변형이 아니면 별명이었을 것이다.

(아드람 멜렉)의 뜻은 영광스러운 왕이란 말로 태양을 상징하는 것이요, (아남멜렉)은 별, 특별히 토성을 상징하는 것이라고 한다. 이처럼 몰렉에 대해 별다른 두 이름이 있는 것은 몰렉 신의 파괴적인 위력과 보호의 양면을 상징하는 것이라고 학자들은 풀이했다.

어떤 학자들은 생각하기를 몰렉 신에게 자녀들을 불 가운데로 지나게 한 것은(왕하 21:6) 그 자녀들을 제물로 바쳐 죽이는 것이 아니라 하나의 성결의 의식이라고 했으나 그런 것은 아니고 성경의 말씀대로(16:20, 7:31) 자녀들을 제물로 삼은 것이 분명하다. 그 증거로 고고학자들의 발굴 보고에 의하면 4세에서 12세까지의 어린이들을 불태워 제물로 삼았던 뼈들을 담은 수백에 이르는 많은 납골 단지들이 발굴되었기 때문이다. 몰렉 숭배는 모세의 율법에서도 엄격히 금하여 왔지마는(18:21, 20:1-5) 이스라엘의 백성들은 자주 그 우상에게 미혹되었음을 본다. 솔로몬은 몰렉을 위하여 신당을 지었고 또 아하스와 므낫세도 그 자녀들을 몰렉에게 제물로 바쳤음을 본다(왕하 16:3, 21:6). 요시아 왕은 이렇듯 극악한 몰렉 숭배를 엄금했으나(왕하 23:10) 이 우상 숭배는 후일에 특별히 유다 말기의 반역 시대에 성행했음을 본다(7:31, 16:20-21, 20:26, 31, 23:37, 39). 사사기 11:24에 사사 입다가 암몬 왕에게 대답한 말 중에 (너희 신 그모스라고 한 것은 분명히 몰렉을 의미한 말로 모압인들은 몰렉을 그모스라고 불러 그들의 민족 신으로 숭배해 왔던 것이다. 그들이 어린 자녀들을 몰렉에게 희생 제물로 드리는 것은 어떤 서원에 대한 확약의 증표였던 것이다. 이처럼 서원의 확약으로 사람을 번제로 드리는 것은 여호와의 사사 입다에게서도 보는데(11:31, 39) 참으로 하나님의 백성들이라도 이방 풍속에서 완전히 벗어난다는 것은 얼마나 어려운 것임을 다시금 느끼게 한다. 어그러진 세상의 악한 종교와 풍속은 성도들의 일평생의 영적 투쟁의 목표가 아닐 수 없다. * 몰렉은 셈계어에서 ''(히브리어, Melech)을 의미하는 말이다. 이것은 마치 '바알'이란 이름이 본래 ''란 말인 것과 같을 것이다. 어떤 지방에서는 Malach-Baal 이란 신을 섬긴데도 있다. 그것은 몰렉과 바알을 단일화시킨 이름일 것이다


그모스와 몰렉은 다른 듯 같은 신이다. 성경에서 모압 족속이 섬기는 신이며 유아인신제사를 드린다. 모압사람을 '그모스의 사람들'이라고 부른다. 다른 신들이 음란하고 음탕했다면 그모스는 잔인하고 포악하다. 암몬 사람들은 몰렉을 섬겼고, 모압 사람들은 그모스를 섬겼다. 두 신은 똑같은 신이며, 시간이 지나면서 나라에 따라 조금 변했을 뿐이다. 유아신신제사를 드리는것도 동일한다. 몰렉은 암몬에서 밀곰(Milcom)으로 불리고, 히브리어로는 말콤, 밀콤이다. 인신제사는 페니키아 지방에서 가져온 것이다. 두로와 시돈이란 큰 도시가 자리한 페니키아는 무역을 통해 부를 축적한 항구 도시다. 항구 도시는 점집, 여관, 술집과 창녀가 많다. 또한 인신공양을 드린다. 우리나라 심청전도 바다의 신을 달래기 위해 사람을 사서 바다에 던진 것이다. 인산 공양은 대체로 고대 항구 도시에 자주 행해지던 제사이다. 인신공양의 이유는 몇 가지가 있다. 하나는 신을 달래기 위해서다. 또하나는 전쟁에서 승리하기 위해서, 세번째는 첫번째와 통한다. 잘 먹고 살 살기 위해서다. 자신의 아이를 그모스의 내민손 위에 올려 놓는다. 불로 인해 뜨거워진 손은 아이를 태워 죽인다.

18:21 너는 결단코 자녀를 몰렉에게 주어 불로 통과하게 함으로 네 하나님의 이름을 욕되게 하지 말라 나는 여호와이니라

57:5너희가 상수리나무 사이, 모든 푸른 나무 아래에서 음욕을 피우며 골짜기 가운데 바위 틈에서 자녀를 도살하는도다

그모스 제단은 힌놈의 골짜기에 세워져 있었다. 모든 우상을 싫어하시지만 몰렉에 대한 인신제사는 극도로 혐오하고 계심을 발견할 수 있다. 




티그리스, 유프라데스 강의 신. 바티칸박물관 (출처- http://www.cyworld.com/uridea/7793882)






Gilgamesh, 8th Century BC, Palace of Sargon II, Khorsabad, 루브르 (출처- http://mythology.wikia.com/wiki/Gilgamesh)


길가메시(Gilgamesh)는 고대 메소포타미아 수메르 왕조 초기 시대인 우르 제1왕조의 전설적인 왕(재위 기원전 2600년경?)으로 수많은 신화나 서사시에 등장하는 영웅이다. 이 왕이 실제로 존재했던 인물이었을 가능성이 있다. 그의 무훈담을 기록한 길가메시 서사시는 기원전 2000년대에 점토판에 적혀 있다. 오늘날에도 고대 메소포타미아의 영웅 가운데 가장 잘 알려진 이름으로, 수많은 픽션 작품에서 그의 이름을 차용하고 있다. 길가메시 서사시는 영웅 길가메시의 행동을 도입하므로써 시작된다. 그는 위대한 지식과 지혜를 지녔던 사람이었으며, 홍수 이전에 그 시대들의 정보를 보존하려 했다. 길가메시는 그가 했었던 모든 일들을 석판에 썼는데, 에안나를 위해 우륵의 도시 벽과 사원을 쌓는 것을 포함시킨 것이었다. 하지만, 그는 압제적인 지도자였고, 그의 부하들이 신들에게 길가메시와 싸움을 일으켜서, 천벌을 내려줄 것을 원성하기도 했다. 단, 한 번의 싸움 끝에, 천벌은 엔키두로 하여금 길가메시와 절친한 친구가 되게 하였고, 그 둘은 많은 위험한 모험을 수행함으로 명성을 얻게 되었지만, 엔키두는 결국 그 모험 속에서 죽게된다. 길가메시는 그리고 나서, 죽음을 두려워하는 만큼 불멸의 생명을 찾아나서게 된다. 이 탐험 속에서 그는 우트나피쉬팀을 만나게 된다. 우트나피쉬팀은 인류를 멸족시키는 대폭우를 맞아 싸우는 배를 만든 후에 불멸이 되어버린다. 그는 모든 그의 친족들과 생명체를 배 위로 데려오고, 새를 내보내 육지를 발견하게 하며, 홍수 후에 산 위에 배가 정박하게 된다. 엔키두의 사후세계를 향한 방문의 이야기가 속계된다. 길가메시의 서사시는 12개의 큰 석판으로 구성되어 있는데, 원조판의 발견이래, 다른 초기의 언어들로 번역될 수 있기도 한 다른 판들도 발견되어 왔다. 진본 판은 기원 650년 까지 추급되는데, 분명히 원판은 아니며, 그 까닭은 홍수신화의 조각들이 기원 2000년 된 석판들로부터도 발견되기 때문이다. 언어학 전문가들이 믿는 바는 신화가 기원 2000년 이전에 쓰여졌으며, 훨씬 그것보다 오래전의 것으로부터 편집되었다고 생각한다. 수메르인의 설형문자 쓰임은 기원 3,300년 보다 훨씬 이전으로 추급된다.


Origin of Flood Myths (출처- http://www.crystalinks.com/floodstories.html)


Sumerian Gods AnnunakiLizard, British Museum (출처- http://www.crystalinks.com/floodstories.html)


Sumerian Gods AnnunakiLizard, British Museum (출처- http://www.crystalinks.com/floodstories.html)


Sumerian Gods AnnunakiLizard, British Museum (출처- http://www.crystalinks.com/floodstories.html)


길가메시(사자를 들어올림)


Gilgamesh (right) and Enkidu (left) battle the Bull of Heaven, as depicted on an ancient cylinder seal from Ur III

(출처- http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Gilgamesh,_Epic_of)


Gilgamesh and Enkidu battle the Bull of Heaven (출처- http://www.mrdowling.com/603-gilgamesh.html)


Gilgamesh and Enkidu battle the Bull of Heaven (출처-http://www.crystalinks.com/gilgamesh.html )


Shamash (the Sun) between Mashu's Twin Peaks Akkad, 3rd millennium BC (British Museum).

(출처-http://www.crystalinks.com/gilgamesh.html )


Fragment of Gilgamesh Tablet 11 (British Museum) (출처-http://www.crystalinks.com/gilgamesh.html )


Flood tablet in Akkadian (출처-http://www.crystalinks.com/gilgamesh.html )


The Deluge tablet of the Gilgamesh epic in Akkadian (출처- http://www.mrdowling.com/603-gilgamesh.html)


The Epic of Gilgamesh (글 출처- http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/mesopotamian/gilgamesh/tab1.htm)


He who has seen everything, I will make known (?) to the lands.I will teach (?) about him who experienced all things,... alike,Anu granted him the totality of knowledge of all.He saw the Secret, discovered the Hidden,he brought information of (the time) before the Flood.He went on a distant journey, pushing himself to exhaustion,but then was brought to peace.He carved on a stone stela all of his toils,and built the wall of Uruk-Haven,the wall of the sacred Eanna Temple, the holy sanctuary.Look at its wall which gleams like copper(?),inspect its inner wall, the likes of which no one can equal!Take hold of the threshold stone--it dates from ancient times!Go close to the Eanna Temple, the residence of Ishtar,such as no later king or man ever equaled!Go up on the wall of Uruk and walk around,examine its foundation, inspect its brickwork thoroughly.Is not (even the core of) the brick structure made of kiln-fired brick,and did not the Seven Sages themselves lay out its plans?One league city, one league palm gardens, one league lowlands, the open area(?) of the Ishtar Temple,three leagues and the open area(?) of Uruk it (the wall) encloses.Find the copper tablet box,open the ... of its lock of bronze,undo the fastening of its secret opening. Take and read out from the lapis lazuli tablethow Gilgamesh went through every hardship. Supreme over other kings, lordly in appearance,he is the hero, born of Uruk, the goring wild bull. He walks out in front, the leader,and walks at the rear, trusted by his companions.Mighty net, protector of his people,raging flood-wave who destroys even walls of stone!Offspring of Lugalbanda, Gilgamesh is strong to perfection,son of the august cow, Rimat-Ninsun;... Gilgamesh is awesome to perfection.It was he who opened the mountain passes, who dug wells on the flank of the mountain. It was he who crossed the ocean, the vast seas, to the rising sun, who explored the world regions, seeking life.It was he who reached by his own sheer strength Utanapishtim, the Faraway, who restored the sanctuaries (or: cities) that the Flood had destroyed! ... for teeming mankind. Who can compare with him in kingliness? Who can say like Gilgamesh: "I am King!"? Whose name, from the day of his birth, was called "Gilgamesh"? Two-thirds of him is god, one-third of him is human. The Great Goddess [Aruru] designed(?) the model for his body, she prepared his form ... ... beautiful, handsomest of men, ... perfect... He walks around in the enclosure of Uruk,Like a wild bull he makes himself mighty, head raised (over others). There is no rival who can raise his weapon against him.His fellows stand (at the alert), attentive to his (orders ?),and the men of Uruk become anxious in ...Gilgamesh does not leave a son to his father,day and night he arrogant[y(?) ...[The following lines are interpreted as rhetorical, perhaps spoken by the oppressed citizens of Uruk.]Is Gilgamesh the shepherd of Uruk-Haven,is he the shepherd. ...bold, eminent, knowing, and wise!Gilgamesh does not leave a girl to her mother(?)The daughter of the warrior, the bride of the young man,the gods kept hearing their complaints, sothe gods of the heavens implored the Lord of Uruk [Anu]"You have indeed brought into being a mighty wild bull, head raised!"There is no rival who can raise a weapon against him."His fellows stand (at the alert), attentive to his (orders !),"Gilgamesh does not leave a son to his father,"day and night he arrogantly ..."Is he the shepherd of Uruk-Haven,"is he their shepherd..."bold, eminent, knowing, and wise,"Gilgamesh does not leave a girl to her mother(?)!"The daughter of the warrior, the bride of the young man,Anu listened to their complaints,and (the gods) called out to Aruru:"it was you, Aruru, who created mankind(?),now create a zikru to it/him.Let him be equal to his (Gilgamesh's) stormy heart,let them be a match for each other so that Uruk may find peace!"When Aruru heard this she created within herself the zikrtt of Anu.Aruru washed her hands, she pinched off some clay, and threw it into the wilderness.In the wildness(?) she created valiant Enkidu,born of Silence, endowed with strength by Ninurta.His whole body was shaggy with hair,he had a full head of hair like a woman,his locks billowed in profusion like Ashnan.He knew neither people nor settled living,but wore a garment like Sumukan."He ate grasses with the gazelles,and jostled at the watering hole with the animals;as with animals, his thirst was slaked with (mere) water.A notorious trapper came face-to-face with him opposite the watering hole.A first, a second, and a third dayhe came face-to-face with him opposite the watering hole.On seeing him the trapper's face went stark with fear,and he (Enkidu?) and his animals drew back home.He was rigid with fear; though stock-stillhis heart pounded and his face drained of color.He was miserable to the core,and his face looked like one who had made a long journey.The trapper addressed his father saying:""Father, a certain fellow has come from the mountains.He is the mightiest in the land,his strength is as mighty as the meteorite(?) of Anu!He continually goes over the mountains,he continually jostles at the watering place with the animals,he continually plants his feet opposite the watering place.I was afraid, so I did not go up to him.He filled in the pits that I had dug,wrenched out my traps that I had spread,released from my grasp the wild animals.He does not let me make my rounds in the wilderness!"The trapper's father spoke to him saying:"My son, there lives in Uruk a certain Gilgamesh.There is no one stronger than he,he is as strong as the meteorite(?) of Anu.Go, set off to Uruk,tell Gilgamesh of this Man of Might.He will give you the harlot Shamhat, take her with you.The woman will overcome the fellow (?) as if she were strong.When the animals are drinking at the watering placehave her take off her robe and expose her sex.When he sees her he will draw near to her,and his animals, who grew up in his wilderness, will be alien to him."He heeded his father's advice.The trapper went off to Uruk,he made the journey, stood inside of Uruk,and declared to ... Gilgamesh:"There is a certain fellow who has come from the mountains--he is the mightiest in the land,his strength is as mighty as the meteorite(?) of Anu!He continually goes over the mountains,he continually jostles at the watering place with the animals,he continually plants his feet opposite the watering place.I was afraid, so I did not go up to him.He filled in the pits that I had dug,wrenched out my traps that I had spread,released from my grasp the wild animals.He does not let me make my rounds in the wilderness!"Gilgamesh said to the trapper:"Go, trapper, bring the harlot, Shamhat, with you.When the animals are drinking at the watering placehave her take off her robe and expose her sex.When he sees her he will draw near to her,and his animals, who grew up in his wilderness, will be alien to him."The trapper went, bringing the harlot, Shamhat, with him.They set off on the journey, making direct way.On the third day they arrived at the appointed place,and the trapper and the harlot sat down at their posts(?).A first day and a second they sat opposite the watering hole.The animals arrived and drank at the watering hole,the wild beasts arrived and slaked their thirst with water.Then he, Enkidu, offspring of the mountains,who eats grasses with the gazelles,came to drink at the watering hole with the animals,with the wild beasts he slaked his thirst with water.Then Shamhat saw him--a primitive,a savage fellow from the depths of the wilderness!"That is he, Shamhat! Release your clenched arms,expose your sex so he can take in your voluptuousness.Do not be restrained--take his energy!When he sees you he will draw near to you.Spread out your robe so he can lie upon you,and perform for this primitive the task of womankind!His animals, who grew up in his wilderness, will become alien to him,and his lust will groan over you."Shamhat unclutched her bosom, exposed her sex, and he took in her voluptuousness.She was not restrained, but took his energy.She spread out her robe and he lay upon her,she performed for the primitive the task of womankind.His lust groaned over her;for six days and seven nights Enkidu stayed aroused,and had intercourse with the harlotuntil he was sated with her charms.But when he turned his attention to his animals,the gazelles saw Enkidu and darted off,the wild animals distanced themselves from his body.Enkidu ... his utterly depleted(?) body,his knees that wanted to go off with his animals went rigid;Enkidu was diminished, his running was not as before.But then he drew himself up, for his understanding had broadened.Turning around, he sat down at the harlot's feet,gazing into her face, his ears attentive as the harlot spoke.The harlot said to Enkidu:"You are beautiful," Enkidu, you are become like a god.Why do you gallop around the wilderness with the wild beasts?Come, let me bring you into Uruk-Haven,to the Holy Temple, the residence of Anu and Ishtar,the place of Gilgamesh, who is wise to perfection,but who struts his power over the people like a wild bull."What she kept saying found favor with him.Becoming aware of himself, he sought a friend.Enkidu spoke to the harlot:"Come, Shamhat, take me away with youto the sacred Holy Temple, the residence of Anu and Ishtar,the place of Gilgamesh, who is wise to perfection,but who struts his power over the people like a wild bull.I will challenge him ...Let me shout out in Uruk: I am the mighty one!'Lead me in and I will change the order of things;he whose strength is mightiest is the one born in the wilderness!"[Shamhat to Enkidu:]"Come, let us go, so he may see your face.I will lead you to Gilgamesh--I know where he will be.Look about, Enkidu, inside Uruk-Haven,where the people show off in skirted finery,where every day is a day for some festival,where the lyre(?) and drum play continually,where harlots stand about prettily,exuding voluptuousness, full of laughterand on the couch of night the sheets are spread (!)."Enkidu, you who do not know, how to live,I will show you Gilgamesh, a man of extreme feelings (!).Look at him, gaze at his face--he is a handsome youth, with freshness(!),his entire body exudes voluptuousnessHe has mightier strength than you,without sleeping day or night!Enkidu, it is your wrong thoughts you must change!It is Gilgamesh whom Shamhat loves,and Anu, Enlil, and La have enlarged his mind."Even before you came from the mountainGilgamesh in Uruk had dreams about you.""Gilgamesh got up and revealed the dream, saying to his mother:"Mother, I had a dream last night.Stars of the sky appeared,and some kind of meteorite(?) of Anu fell next to me.I tried to lift it but it was too mighty for me,I tried to turn it over but I could not budge it.The Land of Uruk was standing around it,the whole land had assembled about it,the populace was thronging around it,the Men clustered about it,and kissed its feet as if it were a little baby (!).I loved it and embraced it as a wife.I laid it down at your feet,and you made it compete with me."The mother of Gilgamesh, the wise, all-knowing, said to her Lord;Rimat-Ninsun, the wise, all-knowing, said to Gilgamesh:"As for the stars of the sky that appearedand the meteorite(?) of Anu which fell next to you,you tried to lift but it was too mighty for you,you tried to turn it over but were unable to budge it,you laid it down at my feet,and I made it compete with you,and you loved and embraced it as a wife.""There will come to you a mighty man, a comrade who saves his friend--he is the mightiest in the land, he is strongest,his strength is mighty as the meteorite(!) of Anu!You loved him and embraced him as a wife;and it is he who will repeatedly save you.Your dream is good and propitious!"A second time Gilgamesh said to his mother: "Mother, I have had another dream:"At the gate of my marital chamber there lay an axe,"and people had collected about it."The Land of Uruk was standing around it,"the whole land had assembled about it,"the populace was thronging around it."I laid it down at your feet,"I loved it and embraced it as a wife,"and you made it compete with me."The mother of Gilgamesh, the wise, all-knowing, said to her son;Rimat-Ninsun, the wise, all-knowing, said to Gilgamesh:""The axe that you saw (is) a man."... (that) you love him and embrace as a wife,"but (that) I have compete with you.""" There will come to you a mighty man,"" a comrade who saves his friend--"he is the mightiest in the land, he is strongest,"he is as mighty as the meteorite(!) of Anu!"Gilgamesh spoke to his mother saying:""By the command of Enlil, the Great Counselor, so may it to pass!"May I have a friend and adviser, a friend and adviser may I have!"You have interpreted for me the dreams about him!"After the harlot recounted the dreams of Gilgamesh to Enkiduthe two of them made lov