The Annunciation, Sandro Botticelli
Year 1489, Tempera on panel, 150 cm × 156 cm (59 in × 61 in), Uffizi, Florence
1472-75, tempera on wood, 90cm × 222cm, Uffizi Museum
이 그림은 다빈치의 대표작 " 수태고지"입니다. 보티첼리의 "수태고지"와 너무나 흡사 한 점이 눈이 뜁니다. 사실 수태고지는 중세 기독교 신앙의 에센스입니다. 왜냐면 "동정녀 마리아에게 잉태하심"은 종교로서의 기독교의 출발이기 때문입니다. 때문에 당시의 화가들은 불타는 신앙심으로 이 장면을 상상하고 온갖 능력을 발휘하여 이 작품에 모든 역량을 쏟아붓습니다.
그것은 작가로서의 미래뿐 아니라, 자신의 신앙심을 드러내 보이는 가장 중요한 수단이기도 했기 때문입니다. 그러나 현대의 눈으로 보면 다빈치나 보티첼리 같은 화가도 훌륭한 "화가" 이기는 했으나 위대한 "예술가"라고 칭하기에는 아쉬움이 있습니다. 위대한 예술가란 자못 시대를 리드하고, 새로운 것을 이끌어내는 창의성이 있어야 하기 때문입니다. 그런 면에서 아직 당시의 사조들이 거의 비슷한 틀 속에서 기교의 대결만을 펼치고 있었다는 점이 여실히 느껴집니다.
Background detai
Angel Gabriel detai
더욱이 평민의 딸인 마리아를 옥좌에 앉은 왕족처럼 묘사하거나, 혹은 귀부인처럼 묘사하는 그림들은 비록 그것이 숭고함을 반영하기 위한 신앙심의 발로라고 하더라도, 아직 화가들이 리얼리티라는 측면에는 관심을 기울이지 않았음을 알 수 있습니다.
Virgin Mary detai
각기 다른 화가들이 당시 가장 중요한 신앙적 주제인 수태고지를 어떻게 다루었는지 이 도록을 통해서 비교 감상해 보시기 바랍니다,
Bible and the Virgin's hand detail
1478-82, oil on panel, 16 cm (6.2 in) x 60 cm (23.6 in), Louvre Museum
Sleeve study for The Annunciation, LEONARDO da Vinci
수태 고지를 위한 LEONARDO da Vinci 슬리브 연구
1470-73, Pen, ink on paper, 85 x 95 mm(3.34 in x 3.74 in), Christ Church, Oxford
Annunciation, work by unknown artist,
c. 1420, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona
Wikimedia Commons
The Annunciation by Johann Christian Schröder,
c. 1690, Oil on canvas, 165 × 164.5 cm (64.9 × 64.7 in), Ptuj Ormož Regional Museum
The Annunciation by Paolo de Matteis(Paolo de 'Matteis라고도 함, 1662년 2월 9일 – 1728년 1월 26일)
1712, Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis.
The Annunciation by Salomon (de) Koninck (1609-1656 년 8 월 8 일 매장됨)
1655, Oil on canvas, Hallwyl Museum, Stockholm
CORDOBA, Pedro de
1475, tempera on wood, Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba
COSSA, Francesco del
c. 1436, tempera on poplar wood, 139 cm (54.7 in) × 113.5 cm (44.6 in), Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
루카스 크라나흐 CRANACH, Lucas the Elder(1472–1553)
Handcolored Woodcut, 34.7 x 24.6 cm. (13.7 x 9.7 in.),
루카스 크라나흐 CRANACH, Lucas the Elder(1472–1553)
목판화 Woodcut 인쇄물, 9 5/8 × 6 5/8 in. (24.5 × 16.8 cm)
DAVID, Gerard
1506, oil on panel, 77.5 cm (30.5 in) × 61.9 cm (24.3 in) , Metropolitan Museum of Art
1445, tempera on panel, 27.3 cm (10.7 in) × 54 cm (21.2 in), Fitzwilliam Museum
Annunciation Cavalcanti by Donatello
1433, Rock, 218 cm (85.8 in) × 168 cm (66.1 in)
Announcement of Death to the Virgin by Duccio di Buoninsegna,
ca. 1310, tempera on panel
National Gallery of Art에 전시된 수태고지
on panel
DUCCIO di Buoninsegna
1308-1311, tempera on wood, 43 × 44 cm (16.9 × 17.3 in), National Gallery
The Presentation and Marriage of the Virgin, and the Annunciation by Benedetto Diana
1520/1525, Oil on panel, 37.1 × 163.8 cm(14 5/8 × 64 1/2 in)
The Annunciation and Expulsion from Paradise by Giovanni di Paolo
c. 1435,
The Annunciation, Fra Carnevale
c. 1445/1450, tempera on panel, 87.6 x 62.8 cm (34 1/2 x 24 3/4 in.) framed: 120 x 92.4 x 8.3 cm
The Annunciation, Giannicola di Paolo
1510/1515, oil on panel, 40.3 x 35.9 cm (15 7/8 x 14 1/8 in.) framed: 49.5 x 44.8 x 4.1 cm
The Assumption of the Virgin with Busts of the Archangel Gabriel and the Virgin of the Annunciation,
Paolo di Giovanni Fei
c. 1400/1405, tempera on panel, 66.5 × 38.1 cm (26 3/16 × 15 in.) overall: 79.8 × 51 cm
Saint Bernard and Saint Catherine of Alexandria with the Virgin of the... Agnolo Gaddi
Florentine, Agnolo Gaddi
c. 1350 - 1396, Saint Bernard and Saint Catherine of Alexandria with the Virgin of the Annunciation [right panel], shortly before 1387
tempera on poplar panel,194.6 × 80 cm (76 5/8 × 31 1/2 in.)
The Annunciation with Saint Francis and Saint Louis of Toulouse [four panels], Cosmè Tura
c. 1470/1480, tempera and distemper on panel
framed (overall, all four panels): 43.5 × 69.22 × 8.26 cm (17 1/8 × 27 1/4 × 3 1/4 in.) overall (each panel): 31 ×
12.4 cm (12 3/16 × 4 7/8 in.) framed (each panel): 43.5 × 16.8 × 4.4 cm (17 1/8 × 6 5/8 × 1 3/4 in.)
The Annunciation to Zacharias, Italian 15th Century
c. 1400, miniature on vellum, 22.1 x 14.7 cm (8 11/16 x 5 13/16 in.)
The Angel of the Annunciation, Giovanni di Domenico
1498/1503, stained glass,199.4 x 78.8 cm (78 1/2 x 31 in.)
The Annunciation, Masolino da Panicale
c. 1423/1424. tempera (and possibly oil glazes) on panel,
overall: 148.8 x 115.1 cm (58 9/16 x 45 5/16 in.) framed: 181 x 165.1 x 11.1 cm (71 1/4 x 65 x 4 3/8 in.)
The Annunciation to the Shepherds, probably, Jacopo Bassano
1555/1560, oil on canvas, overall: 106.1 x 82.6 cm (41 3/4 x 32 1/2 in.) framed: 131 x 106.7 x 10.6 cm (51 9/16 x 42 x 4 3/16 in.)
The Annunciation, Veronese
c. 1580, oil on canvas, overall: 98.4 x 75.3 cm (38 3/4 x 29 5/8 in.) framed: 123 x 99.1 x 7.3 cm (48 7/16 x 39 x 2 7/8 in.)
Workshop of Master of the Borders with the Four Fathers of the Church
The Annunciation,
1460/1480, metalcut, hand-colored in yellow, red-brown lake, and green
The Annunciation, Fra Filippo Lippi
c. 1435/1440, tempera on panel, 100 x 161 cm (39 3/8 x 63 3/8 in.)
The Annunciation, Fra Filippo Lippi
c. 1435/1440, tempera on panel, 100 x 161 cm (39 3/8 x 63 3/8 in.)
c.1434, Oil transferred from wood to canvas, 93 x 37 cm National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC,
The Angel of the Annunciation, Simone Martini (c. 1284 – 1344)
c. 1330, tempera on poplar panel, painted surface (on recto): 29.5 x 20.5 cm (11 5/8 x 8 1/16 in.) overall: 31 x 21.5 cm (12 3/16 x 8 7/16 in.) painted
surface (gesso ground on verso): 21 x 30.2 cm (8 1/4 x 11 7/8 in.) framed: 54.6 x 32.9 x 4.1 cm (21 1/2 x 12 15/16 x 1 5/8 in.)
The Annunciation, 후안 데 플란데스 Juan De Flandes(John of Flanders, c. 1460 – by 1519)
c. 1508/1519, oil on panel,110.2 x 78.4 cm (43 3/8 x 30 7/8 in.) overall (panel): 110.2 x 81 cm (43 3/8 x 31 7/8 in.) framed: 130.2 x 99 x 10.7 cm (51 1/4 x 39 x 4 3/16 in.)
The Annunciation: The Angel Gabriel, national gallery
천사 가브리엘은 성모 마리아에게 그녀가 하나님의 아들을 낳을 것이라고 알립니다 (눅 1 : 26-8). 두루마리에는 '은혜 충만한 성모 만세, 주님이 함께 하소서'라는 말이 라틴어로 축약되어있다.
The Annunciation: The Angel Gabriel by 가우덴 지오 페라리 FERRARI, Gaudenzio
1506-10, 58.4 cm (22.9 in) ; Width: 58.4 cm (22.9 in), National Gallery
The Annunciation, with Saint Emidius, 카를로 크리벨리 Carlo Crivelli (about 1430/5–about 1494)
1486, Egg and Oil on canvas, 207 cm × 146.7 cm (81 in × 57.8 in),National Gallery, London
EYCK, Jan van
each panel, 39 x 24cm
Ghent exterior: The Virgin Annunciate
Ghent Altarpiece exterior: The Archangel Gabriel
The Annunciation, Attributed to Petrus Christus (Netherlandish, Baarle-Hertog (Baerle-Duc), active by 1444–died 1475/76 Bruges)
1450, Oil on wood, 31 x 25 7/8 in. (78.7 x 65.7 cm); painted surface 30 1/2 x 25 1/4 in. (77.5 x 64.1 cm)
Circle of van Eyck, or Petrus Christus. Friedsam Annunciation from the Metropolitan; the right side of the doorway is Romanesque (Old Covenant), and the left Gothic (New Covenant). The garden is overgrown, with the outer wall falling down.
1470-72, Panel, 73 x 48 cm, Pinacoteca Nazionale, Siena
The Annunciation by FRUEAUF, Rueland the Elder
c. 1495, Tempera on pine panel, 70 x 37,5 cm, Szépmûvészeti Múzeum, Budapest
The Annunciation detai
Web Gallery of Art
The Annunciation by GAROFALO
1550, Tempera on wood, Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan
1528, oil on panel, 1,030 mm (40.55 in); Width: 1,320 mm (51.96 in), Capitoline Museums
c. 1623, oil on canvas, 286 cm (112.5 in); Width: 196 cm (77.1 in), Sabauda Gallery
1486-90, fresco, Tornabuoni Chapel
1595-1600, oil on canvas, 91 cm (35.8 in); Width: 66.5 cm (26.1 in), Museum of Fine Arts
1575-76, oil on canvas, 117 cm × 98 cm (46 in × 39 in), Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
1596-1600, oil on canvas, 113 cm × 65 cm (44.4 in × 25.5 in), Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
c. 1515, oil on canvas, 269 cm × 141 cm (105.9 in × 55.5 in), Unterlinden Museum
HEEMSKERCK, Maerten van
261.5 cm (102.9 in) ; Width: 122.5 cm (48.2 in),Frans Hals Museum
The Annunciation, miniature, JACQUEMART DE HESDIN ( c. 1355 – c. 1414) from Les Petites Heures of Les Petites Heures de Jean de Berry,
c. 1400,
17세기, oil on canvas, 258 cm (101.5 in); Width: 222 cm (87.4 in), Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent
1610-1630, oil on copper, 74 cm (29.1 in); Width: 54 cm (21.2 in), Hermitage Museum
LIPPI, Filippino
1489-91, fresco, Santa Maria sopra Minerva
LIPPI, Filippino
LIPPI, Filippino
c. 1440, Tempera on panel, 175 cm × 183 cm (69 in × 72 in), Basilica di San Lorenzo, Florence
Gabriel from the Annunciation, LIPPI, Filippino
1483-84, Wood, diameter 110 cm, Museo Civico, San Gimignano
Web Gallery of Art
Gabriel from the Annunciation, LIPPI, Filippino
1483-84, Wood, diameter 110 cm, Museo Civico, San Gimignano
사진: Wikimedia Commons, Web Gallery of Art,
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