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고대 갈릴리 회당에서 발견 된 신비한 모자이크

by 은총가득 2020. 3. 21.

Mysterious Mosaic Discovered In Ancient Galilee Synagogue

고대 갈릴리 회당에서 발견 된 신비한 모자이크

군인을 태운 코끼리 모자이크

MessageToEagle.com - The first ancient synagogue mosaic to feature a non-biblical narrative has been unearthed by researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Brigham Young University, Trinity University (Texas), University of Toronto, and University of Wyoming.
노스 캐롤라이나 대학 연구팀에 의해 발굴 성경적 이야기 특징으로하는 최초의 고대 회당 모자이크


The Huqoq synagogue in Israel?excavated by Jodi Magness and Shua Kisilevitz?yielded this mosaic of Samson in the Bible, carrying the gate of Gaza on his shoulders. Photo: Jim Haberman. ?성경을 들고 있는 삼손의 모자이크


?Given the dearth of elephants in the Hebrew bible, identifying the figures in the mosaic is difficult. Magness is quoted in the UNC release saying that battle elephants are associated with Alexander the Great and subsequent Greek armies. The depiction, she writes, could refer to the legend that Alexander met the Jewish high priest.

알렉산더 대왕

A large seated elderly man holding what appears to be a scroll, detail of a mosaic found at the Huqoq synagogue. Photo: Jim Haberman.

회당에 앉아 있는 노인

Prof. Jodi Magness of UNC Chapel Hill dates the mosaic to the late Roman period (4th-5th centuries CE). 4세기에서 5세기 후반의 로마시대 모자이크?


Magness said the discoveries at Huqoq “highlight the continued diversity of Judaism after 70 C.E., through late antiquity.” 

“I also think that our discoveries show how much we don’t know ? for example, we never before had a non-biblical story decorating an ancient synagogue, and the Samson imagery is a surprise too,” she said. “Our discoveries attest to the continued flourishing of Jewish settlements in Galilee in late antiquity, that is, under Byzantine Christian rule."

 비잔틴 시대 기독교 지배하에 갈릴리 유대인 정착촌
